Overseas Conference

The ITT Conference is a three-day business event, attended by senior figures from the travel and tourism industry in the UK. The Conference is an ITT Members-only event and delegate numbers are capped to ensure the event remains an executive travel event. 

The next ITT Conference will take place in Sardina, 2-4 June 2025

Visit Conference website>>
Watch Conference highlights video>>

Headline Sponsorship, £10,500 plus VAT:

  • two complimentary Conference registrations
  • two-minute video to be played during the Conference sessions
  • option to distribute a gift/flyer to delegates as a seat drop (optional)
  • on stage acknowledge of support by the Conference Moderator or Chairman
  • logo on the conference microsite, e-flyers and on the screen or stage set
  • a 200-word editorial on the conference microsite and event app.

VIP Lunch, £10,500 plus VAT:

  • logo on invitations, place cards, and menus
  • opportunity to give a short welcome speech during the lunch
  • one complimentary conference registration
  • three attendees from your organisation can attend the VIP Lunch
  • opportunity to distribute a gift at the lunch (optional).

Guest Speaker, £4,000-£8,000 plus VAT (per speaker):

  • opportunity to introduce the Speaker and your logo on screen
  • verbal acknowledgement of your sponsorship by the Conference Moderator
  • logo on conference microsite, app and e-flyer announcing the speaker.

Delegate Badges and Lanyards, £4,250 plus VAT:

  • logo on both sides of the badges and lanyards
  • logo on the conference microsite, app and e-flyer promoting the badges
  • verbal acknowledgement of your sponsorship by the Conference Moderator.

Late-Night Bar, £4,000 plus VAT (per evening):

  • logo on conference microsite, app and on an e-flyer promoting your Late-Night Bar
  • the opportunity to brand the late-night bar area with materials provided by you – subject to venue approval
  • verbal acknowledgement of your sponsorship on the day or your bar, or the day after (as appropriate) by the Conference Moderator.

Conference App, £4,000 plus VAT:

  • logo on the app splash-screen and banner on the app home screen
  • information section about your company on the app
  • logo on the Conference website, and e-flyer promoting the app
  • verbal acknowledgement of your sponsorship by the Conference Moderator.

First Timers Meet Up, £2,500 plus VAT:

  • logo on conference microsite, app and on an e-flyer 
  • the opportunity to brand the 'meet up' area with materials provided by you – subject to venue approval
  • verbal acknowledgement of your sponsorship by the Conference Moderator.

Other opportunities...

  • if you would like to discuss any other opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact us  - we'd love to hear your suggestions!